Sunday, 11 October 2009


There hasn't been an update for a while so I thought I'd make up for this with some very exciting photos taken last night, and which show one of Sam's most exciting adventures to date, namely his scaling of the mighty tall paw of our living room...

Here's Sam 'preparing' at base-camp...

[Unfortunately I was in bed during the actual ascent]

A little shaky, but he's reached the summit...

King of all he surveys....

The official summit portrait....


  1. Sam is supercute and so clever for having climbed up so far! He did train seriously for this mission however. Without the the dedicated hours he spent racing around after a squeaky mouse and sleeping in the sunshine, he might never have been crowned King of Kitty Mountaineers. Yay Sam! xx

  2. What a brave cat!
    Did he require oxygen for the final push to the summit?
    If so, did some brave, selfless person have to go before him to lay down the oxygen cache, so forefitting their own attempt on the summit?
